I must admit that I am a little jealous of this teddy bear that stays in her classroom. She got it from the Smithsonian Museum gift shop. It is a replica of the one created for Teddy Roosevelt. Did you know the Teddy Bear was named after him. She also has a Winnie the Pooh wearing a graduation cap and gown that is from when she graduated from college as well as a Beaver that represents the University of Maine at Farmington where she attended her undergraduate studies.
Ms. E. also has in her classroom some beanie babies shaped like elephants and donkeys. I think they are to represent the last two elections. I wonder if she plans to get the two that represent this election year. Below is a picture of me with all the donkey and elephant in her class. You would think she taught kindergarten with all of toys she has.
One of my favorite posters from her classroom is one a map of Arlington Cemetery. It shows exactly where I will get to visit next April. I am really looking forward to walking through a location that was created to honor those who have fought and died for our country. In the cemetery is also the mast from the USS Maine as well monuments for the Challenger (1986) that happened when Ms. Edwards was in elementary school as well as the Colombia (1999) explosion. People can also visit the grave sites of John Kennedy, his wife Jackie O, and his brother Robert. At JFK's grave site is an eternal flame that is supposed to never go out. I hear though that due to the high wind that can occur that occasional the flame goes out and they relight it. At Robert Kennedy's grave is a simple cross because that is what he requested. When I visit Arlington I will also get the opportunity to witness the changing of the guard ceremony. Ms. Edwards has seen it at least five times and she still gets chills every time she witnesses it.
Also on her wall is a poster of license plates. In the license plates are written the preamble to the United States Constitution. Ms. Edwards picked up the poster while in Washington D.C. last summer. Each state is represented in one of the license plates. People can be really creative with their art.
Ms. Edwards taught two government classes yesterday and one US history II class. Today she taught two history classes and one government. I got the chance to meet some of the students who will go going with us on the trip to Europe. I also got to meet Mrs. Morse's daughter. I hope she get a chance to check out my blog.
Below is a picture of me wearing this funny hate I found in Ms. E's room as well as a picture of her classroom.
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