Friday, August 1, 2008

Books Purchased 6 and books wanted

Here we go again.

Amelia Earhart - Heather Lehr Wagner
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
The Maxims of Robert E. Lee For Young Gentlemen - Richard G. Williams Jr.
The Character of George Marshall - David M. Abshire
"Fully the Equal of the Best" George C. Marshall and the Virginia Military Institute - A George C. Marshall Foundation Publication
George C. Marshall The Last Great American? - Lance Morrow
National D-Day Memorial: Commemorative Plaque Guide. - The National D-Day Memorial Foundation

Books she wants:

Patton's One-Minute Messages - Charles Province
Rosie's Mom: Forgotten Women Workers of the First World War - Carrie Brown
The Bedford Boys - Alex Kersey
Dear General: Eisenhowers Wartime Letters to Marshall - Joseph P. Hobbs
Unexplained Mysteries of World War II - William B. Breuer
Daring Missions of World War II - William B. Breuer
MacArthur's Undercover War: Spies, Saboteurs, Guerillas, and Secret Missions - William B. Breuer.
Secret Weapons of World War II - William B. Breuer
The Spy Who Went to War in Bed: And Other Bizarre Tales from World War II - William B. Breuer.

What is she thinking??


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