Thursday, August 7, 2008

Williamsburg - Presidents Park

We took some time to turn towards politics on this trip. We stopped at a place called Presidents Park and spent some time with all the Presidents of the United States. The park is located in Williamsburg, Virginia and is near Watercountry USA. Each of the presidents are displayed in the park from their chest up. They stand between 18-20 feet tall and there are a total of 43 of them. The statues of the presidents were sculpted by artist David Adickes.

As you walk around the park you learn about turning points in our history as well as interesting facts about the Presidents. There is information about their birth, education, families, jobs, events during their presidency's, deaths (if required), and much more. The information is color coded and is very informative. It would be a great place to bring a school group on a field trip. They even give teachers a discount :)

Below are some pictures that Ms. Edwards took at the park. See if you can name the Presidents.

Want to have your picture taken in the oval office? I think I see the President standing in the background.

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