Sunday, August 10, 2008

Civil War Battle Names

Both the Confederate and the Union armies have given the same battle two different names. Below are a list of those battles and the names they are known by:

Date Confederate Name Federal Name

July 21, 1861 First Manassas Bull Run
Aug 10, 1861 Oak Hills Wilson's Creek
Oct. 21, 1861 Leesburg Ball's Bluff
Jan. 19, 1862 Mills Spring Logan's Cross Roads
Mar. 7-8, 1862 Elkhorn Tavern Pea Ridge
Apr. 6-7, 1862 Shiloh Pittsburg Landing
June 27, 1862 Gaine's Mill Chickahominy
Aug. 29-30, 1862 Second Manassas Second Bull Run
Sept. 1, 1862 Ox Hill Chantilly
Sept. 14, 1862 Boonsboro South Mountain
Sept. 17, 1862 Sharpsburg Antietam
Oct. 8, 1862 Perryville Chaplin Hills
Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 2, 1863 Murfreesboro Stones River
Apr. 8, 1864 Mansfield Sabine Cross Roads
Sept. 19, 1864 Winchester Opequon Creek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Martin Bear,

As a representative of the Southern Oregon Cascade Civil War Society, I take pride in being the first to leave you a comment on your travels and interest in our nations' history in the Civil War era. You are a cute bear and have done well in your research of the names of the battles in comparison. Keep up the good work my good bear, and our organization will keep a good eye on your continued adventures through time!

Miss Kate Cumming
US Field Hospital Klamath Falls, Oregon Territory